Covid-19 Shutdown

These weeks of closure since mid-March have been stabilized by the slow unfolding of spring on the farm. The greenhouse is at capacity and we will transplant the first round of greens into the field tomorrow. The garlic looks good, I hear, though I haven’t made it to Back of Beyond to see it for myself yet. It’s been cold so the tempo of the work has built slowly.


Addison’s tomato house is looking good and we will transplant the second round of tomatoes into the Big Hoop House on Friday during the rain. We are growing the same amount of food as we usually do, and though we are trimming our flower production a bit that is a plan unaffected by the pandemic. We are working with much of the same crew as last year and we are learning the new dance of masks and more space between us. We are healthy.

We’ve been having some nap-time meetings. While Cleo sleeps the rest of us—Addison, Penny, Freddy, Phoebe, Romy, and Meg—sit around our kitchen table and try to make sense of our situation. We are taking things one week at a time. Last Sunday we sold some flowers here on the website for self-service pickup on the back porch. This week we are adding a pizza night! Pizzas, salad, coffee beans, wine, cookies, etc. will go live in the shop today for pre-order today for Thursday evening pickup. Please extend grace as we muddle through learning how to sell things on the website. We are looking forward to making you pizzas.